Workforce Equality Fund Programme 

CEMVO Enterprises CIC is working in partnership with Skills Development Scotland and Scottish Training Federation and has developed a 3-month pilot programme to support private sector employers to increase the ethnic diversity of their workforce.

Programme Background

The pilot programme will be for a duration of 3 months and will look to commence in January till March 2021.  The Programme will look to offer support for up to 10 private sector employers with the following:

  • The importance of race equality
  • Unconscious bias
  • Exploring institutional racism
  • Developing good race equality practices in recruitment processes
  • Developing organisational support for Ethnic Minority staff retention
  • Data collection on ethnicity and analysis to help inform race equality actions.
  • Help employers to follow up learning from the webinars in developing race equality actions within their organisations
  • Help employers implement at least 1 key action in the short-term that will help improve their approach to ethnic diversity within their workforce.
  • Promotion of all employers on the programme through online promotional materials (e.g. newsletters) that CEMVO will produce and circulate through its extensive EM networks
  • Circulating job / apprenticeship vacancies and opportunities through CEMVO Scotland EM networks and uploading employment information on CEMVO Scotland and CEMVO Enterprise CIC websites (this will be offered for a 6 months period – i.e. up to June 2021)
  • Opportunity to liaise with CEMVO Scotland / CEMVO Enterprise CIC to develop tailored positive action measures, such as employability support that CEMVO can provide to EM communities, that will help EM job / apprenticeship applicants to increase their chances of employment.

Programme model

We will be looking to potentially recruit up to 10 private sector employers (both large and small) onto the pilot programme with the following desirables:

  • Organisational commitment to the pilot programme / to improving the EM diversity of its workforce
  • Commitment to implementing at least 1 race equality action within the organisation if selected onto the Programme
  • At least 2 key / senior staff that will be able to participate in the Programme
  • Have potential jobs / apprenticeship vacancies in the pipeline that can be advertised and targeted at EM communities

Registering Interest

CEMVO Scotland / CEMVO Enterprise CIC is being funded by the Scottish Government Workplace Equality Fund to work with SDS and STF in delivering this free pilot EM workforce development programme.

For registration please complete the booking form below:

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****Please note bookings will close for this programme will go live in 28 January 21.